Yesterday, the men of our church put on a very special Mother's Day program. They took care of everything...
...from Children's Story... the handing out of roses (each with a personalized scripture attached!)...
Brother and sister...
...more cousins...
And the men of the church even sang for special music. They sang "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds."
After the service, the women were asked to find a seat in the fellowship hall. We were very surprised at what we saw...
And this is what we were so surprised about...
The men worked very hard... putting together a delicious meal of haystacks. Some of the women were even served by their spouses.
We enjoyed every minute and thank the men for the efforts! We praise God for such strong male leadership in our church.
It was absolutely a fabulous day, the way the men took such special care in making us feel appreciated and valued. The banquet was beautiful. Our Heavenly Father loves us and values us so much more, and He inspired the men in our church to share His love and care with us.